Monday, September 24, 2007

To the Moon and Beyond

The moon, a luminous disk in the inky sky, appears suddenly above the broad crescent of Earth’s horizon. The four astronauts in the Orion crew exploration vehicle have witnessed several such spectacular moonrises since their spacecraft reached orbit some 300 kilometers above the vast expanse of our home planet. But now, with a well-timed rocket boost, the pilot is ready to accelerate their vessel toward the distant target ahead. “Translunar injection burn in 10 seconds ... ” comes the call over the headset. “Five, four, three, two, one, mark ... ignition....” White-hot flames erupt from a rocket nozzle far astern, and the entire ship—a stack of functional modules—vibrates as the crew starts the voyage to our nearest celestial neighbor, a still mysterious place that humans have not visited in nearly half a century. The year is 2020, and Americans are returning to the moon. This time, however, the goal is not just to come and go but to establish an outpost for a new generation of space ­explorers.

The Orion vehicle is a key component of the Constellation program, NASA’s ambitious, multi­billion-dollar effort to build a space transportation system that can not only bring humans to the moon and back but also resupply the Internation­al Space Station (ISS) and eventually place people on the planet Mars. Since the program was established in mid-2006, engineers and researchers at NASA, as well as at Lockheed Martin, Orion’s prime contractor, have been working to develop the rocket launchers, crew and service modules, upper stages and landing systems necessary for the U.S. to mount a robust and affordable human spaceflight effort after its current launch workhorse, the space shuttle, retires in 2010.

To minimize development risks and costs, NASA planners based the Constellation program on many of the tried-and-true technical principles and know-how established during the Apollo program, an engineering feat that put men safely on the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At the same time, NASA engineers are redesigning many systems and components using updated technology.

Orion starts with much the same general functionality as the Apollo spacecraft, and its crew capsule has a similar shape, but the resemblance is only skin-deep. Orion will, for example, accommodate larger crews than Apollo did. Four people will ride in a pressurized cabin with a volume of approximately 20 cubic meters for lunar missions (six will ride for visits to the space station starting around 2015), compared with Apollo’s three astronauts (plus equipment) in a cramped volume of about 10 cubic meters.

The latest structural designs, electronics, and computing and communications technologies will help project designers expand the new spacecraft’s operational flexibility beyond that of Apollo. Orion, for instance, will be able to dock with other craft automatically and to loiter in lunar orbit for six months with no one onboard. Engineers are widening safety margins as well. In the event of an emergency during launch, for example, a powerful escape rocket will quickly remove the crew from danger, a benefit space shuttle astronauts do not enjoy. But to give you a better feel for what the program involves, let us start on the ground, before the Orion crew leaves Earth. From there, we will trace the progress of a prototypical lunar mission and the technologies planned to accomplish each stage.

The full article can be read here.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Renders of future Nasa Moon Base


  • 2008: Launch Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
  • 2010: Last Space Shuttle missions
  • 2014: Deadline for Crew Exploration Vehicle
  • 2020: Return to Moon

  • (1) The heavy-lift Ares 5 rocket blasts off from Earth carrying a lunar lander and a "departure stage"
  • (2) Several days later, astronauts launch on an Ares 1 rocket inside their Orion vehicle (CEV)
  • (3) The Orion docks with the lander and departure stage in Earth orbit and then heads to the Moon
  • (4) Having done its job of boosting the Orion and lunar lander on their way, the departure stage is jettisoned
  • (5) At the Moon, the astronauts leave the Orion and enter the lander for the trip to the lunar surface
  • (6) After exploring the lunar landscape for seven days, the crew blasts off in a portion of the lander
  • (7) In Moon orbit, they re-join the waiting robot-minded Orion and begin the journey back to Earth
  • (8) On the way, the service component of the Orion is jettisoned. This leaves just the crew capsule to enter the atmosphere
  • (9) A heatshield protects the capsule; parachutes bring it down on dry land, probably in California

Friday, September 14, 2007

Google's $30,000,000 Lunar X PRIZE

Google Lunar X PRIZE Competition Guidelines

COMPETITION GUIDELINES: To win the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a team must successfully land a privately funded craft on the lunar surface and survive long enough to complete the mission goals of roaming about the lunar surface for at least 500 meters and sending a defined data package, called a “Mooncast”, back to Earth.

PRIZES: The total purse of the Google Lunar X PRIZE is $30 million (USD).
• GRAND PRIZE: A $20 million Grand Prize will be awarded to the team that can soft land a craft on the Moon that roams for at least 500 meters and transmits a Mooncast back to Earth. The Grand Prize is $20M until December 31st 2012; thereafter it will drop to $15M until December 31st 2014 at which point the competition will be terminated unless extended by Google and the X PRIZE Foundation
• SECOND PRIZE: A $5 million Second Prize will be offered as well, providing an extra incentive for teams to continue to compete, and increasing the possibility that multiple teams will succeed. Second place will be available until December 31st 2014 at which point the competition will be terminated unless extended by Google and the X PRIZE Foundation
• BONUSES: An additional $5 million in bonus prizes can be won by successfully completing additional mission tasks such as roving longer distances (> 5,000 meters), imaging man made artifacts (e.g. Apollo hardware), discovering water ice, and/or surviving through a frigid lunar night (approximately 14.5 Earth days). The competing lunar spacecraft will be equipped with high-definition video and still cameras, and will send images and data to Earth, which the public will be able to view on the Google Lunar X PRIZE website.

MOONCAST: The Mooncast consists of digital data that must be collected and transmitted to the Earth composed of the following:
• High resolution 360º panoramic photographs taken on the surface of the Moon;
• Self portraits of the rover taken on the surface of the Moon;
• Near-real time videos showing the craft’s journey along the lunar surface;
• High Definition (HD) video;
• Transmission of a cached set of data, loaded on the craft before launch (e.g. first email from the Moon).
Teams will be required to send a Mooncast detailing their arrival on the lunar surface, and a second Mooncast that provides imagery and video of their journey roaming the lunar surface. All told, the Mooncasts will represent approximately a Gigabyte of stunning content returned to the Earth.
The complete Google Lunar X PRIZE Competition Guidelines are available in English, the official language of the prize, on the Google Lunar X PRIZE homepage.

Here is the link to the Google Lunar X PRIZE Competition Site.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Computer generated artist's renderings of ISS assembly flights

Future International Space Station Assembly Sequence


+ High resolution photo (265 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (15 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-116/12A.1. Space Shuttle Discovery crew delivers and installs the third port truss segment (P5). P6 port solar array wing and two radiators are retracted. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (390 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (25 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-117/13A. Second starboard truss segment (S3/S4) is delivered and installed. The third set of solar arrays is deployed. P6 starboard solar array wing and one radiator are retracted. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (390 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (21 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight ATV1. Ariane 5 Rocket delivers a European Automated Transfer Vehicle, which docks to the Zvezda Service Module. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (330 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (21 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-118/13A.1. Third starboard truss segment (S5) is delivered and installed. External Stowage Platform 3 (ESP3) is installed on top of the P3 truss segment. Pressurized Mating Adapter-3 (PMA-3) moves to Unity node nadir port. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (346 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (23 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-120/10A. Node 2 is installed on Unity node port side temporarily; P6 truss is attached to P5 truss and arrays are deployed. Pressurized Mating Adapter-2 (PMA-2) is moved to Node 2; then both Node 2 with PMA-2 are attached to the front of the Destiny laboratory. Zarya arrays are retracted to allow room for the deployment of all Thermal Control System (TCS) radiators. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (315 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (20 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-122/1E. Columbus European laboratory module with Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure - Non-Deployable (MPESS-ND) is delivered and installed. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (318 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (20 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 1J/A. Kibo Japanese Experiment Logistics Module - Pressurized Section (ELM-PS) is installed on top of Node 2. Canadian Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) - Dextre - is installed. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (323 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (21 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 1J. Kibo Japanese Experiment Module Pressurized Module (JEM-PM) and Japanese Remote Manipulator System (JEM-RMS) are installed. JEM Pressurized Section is moved from Node 2 onto the JEM Pressurized Module. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (455 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (30 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight STS-119/15A. Fourth starboard truss segment (S6) is delivered and installed. Fourth set of solar arrays is deployed. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (415 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (28 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight ULF2. U.S. Orbiter brings Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM). (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (404 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (26 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 2J/A. U.S. Orbiter delivers Kibo Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JEM-EF); Kibo Japanese Experiment Logistics Module - Exposed Section (ELM-ES); and Spacelab Pallet - Deployable 2 (SLP-D2). (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (281 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (24 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 3R. Russian Proton rocket delivers Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) with European Robotic Arm (ERA) - docked to Zarya nadir port. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (419 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (29 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 17A. U.S. Orbiter brings Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM); Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier (LMC); three crew quarters; galley; second Treadmill Vibration Isolation System (TVIS); Crew Health Care System 2 (CHeCS 2). (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (410 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (27 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight HTV1, Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (409 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (27 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight ULF3. U.S. Orbiter delivers EXPRESS Logistics Carrier 1 (ELC1) and EXPRESS Logistics Carrier 2 (ELC2). (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (421 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (29 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 19A. U.S. Orbiter brings Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) and Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier (LMC). (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (282 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (24 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight ULF4. U.S. Orbiter delivers EXPRESS Logistics Carrier-3 (ELC-3) and EXPRESS Logistics Carrier-4 (ELC-4). Micrometeoroid Debris panels are installed on Zvezda Service Module and the Zvezda solar arrays are feathered. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (283 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (24 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 20A. U.S. Orbiter delivers and installs Node 3 with Cupola. Pressurized Mating Adapter-3 (PMA-3) is relocated from Unity node nadir to Node 2 nadir beforehand. The Cupola is relocated to the forward port of Node 3 after the flight; and PMA- 3 is relocated to the axial port of Node 3 after the flight. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (412 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (27 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight ULF5. U.S. Orbiter delivers EXPRESS Logistics Carrier-5 (ELC-5). Pirs Docking Compartment moves to zenith (top) port of Zvezda Service Module. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (293 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (25 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the International Space Station after flight 9R. Russian Proton rocket delivers Research Module which docks to Zvezda Service Module nadir port. (Credit: NASA)

+ High resolution photo (965 Kb)
+ Low resolution photo (88 Kb)

Computer-generated artist’s rendering of the completed International Space Station. (Credit: NASA)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Look at a New Space Terminal

GOLDEN, Colorado -- Architectural and engineering teams have begun shaping the look and feel of New Mexico's Spaceport America, taking the wraps off new images today that showcase the curb appeal of the sprawling main terminal and hangar at the futuristic facility.

Last month, a team of U.S. and British architects and designers had been recommended for award to design the primary terminal and hangar facility at Spaceport America - structures that symbolize the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport.

Selected from an international field of eleven firms, the winning design is the work of URS Corporation - a large design and engineering enterprise - teamed with Foster + Partners of the United Kingdom, a group with extensive experience in crafting airport buildings.

When the 100,000 square-foot (9,290 square-meter) facility is completed -- the centerpiece of the world's first, purpose-built, commercial spaceport -- the structures will serve as the primary operating base for Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic suborbital spaceliner, and also as the headquarters for the New Mexico Spaceport Authority.

The terminal and hangar facility will also provide room for aircraft and spacecraft, and Virgin Galactic's operations facilities, including pre-flight and post-flight facilities, administrative offices, and lounges. The spacious maintenance hangar can hold two White Knight Two carrier aircraft and five SpaceShipTwo spaceliners - vessels now under construction at Scaled Composites in Mojave, California.

Here is the link to the full article.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Shuttle Missions

STS-120 Discovery (ISS-23) Pad A Oct 23, 2007 (ISS-23-10A: Node 2, PDGF)
STS-122 Atlantis (ISS-24) Pad A Dec 6, 2007 (ISS-24-1E: Columbus-COF, PRESS-ND)
STS-123 Endeavour (ISS-25) Pad A Feb 14, 2008 (ISS-25-1J/A: JEM ELM PS, Express Pallet)
STS-124 Discovery (ISS-26) Pad A Apr 24, 2008 (ISS-26-1J: JEM PM, JEM RMS)
STS-119 Endeavour (ISS-27) Pad A Jul , 2008 (ISS-27-15A: PM S6, Solar Arrays/Batteries)
STS-125 Atlantis (HST-SM-4) Pad A Sep 10, 2008 (HST Servicing Mission 4)
STS-126 Discovery (ISS-28) Oct , 2008 (ISS-28-ULF2: MPLM)
STS-127 Endeavour (ISS-29) Jan 15, 2009 (ISS-29-2J/A: JEM EF, ELM ES, SLP-D2)
STS-128 Discovery (ISS-30) Apr 9, 2009 (ISS-30-17A: MPLM, LMC, TVIS2, CHeCS 2)
STS-129 Endeavour (ISS-31) Jul 9, 2009 (ISS-31-ULF3: MPLM, ELC1, ELC2)
STS-130 Discovery (ISS-32) Sep 30, 2009 (ISS-32-19A: MPLM, LMC)
STS-131 Endeavour (ISS-33) Jan , 2010 (ISS-33-ULF4: MPLM, ELC3, ELC4)
STS-132 Discovery (ISS-34) Apr 1, 2010 (ISS-34-20A: Node 3)
STS-133 Endeavour (ISS-35) Jul 15, 2010 (ISS-35-ULF5: MPLM, ELC5, ELC1)
STS-134 Endeavour (ISS-36) , 2011 (ISS-36-ULF6: MPLM)

Russian Soyuz/Progress and ESA ATV

Oct 10, 2007 15S Soyuz TMA-11/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 16 Crew
Oct 23, 2007 10A STS-120 Discovery ISS-23, Node 2, PDGF
Dec 6, 2007 1E STS-122 Atlantis ISS-24, European COF (Columbus), PRESS-ND
Dec 23, 2007 27P Progress M-62 Soyuz U ISS Logistics Supply
Jan 15, 2008 ATV-01 ATV1/Ariane 5ESV Automated Transfer Vehicle "Jules Verne"
Feb 12, 2008 28P Progress M-63 Soyuz U ISS Logistics Supply
Feb 14, 2007 1J/A STS-123 Endeavour ISS-25, JEM ELM PS, Express Pallet
Apr 8, 2008 16S Soyuz TMA-12/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 17 Crew
Apr 24, 2008 1J STS-124 Discovery ISS-26, JEM PM (Kibo), JEM RMS
May 8, 2008 29P Progress M-64 Soyuz U ISS Logistics Supply
Jul 8, 2008 30P Progress M-65 Soyuz U ISS Logistics Supply
Sep 26, 2008 ULF2 STS-126 Discovery ISS-28, MPLM
Oct , 2008 17S Soyuz TMA-13/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 18 Crew
Nov 6, 2008 15A STS-119 Endeavour ISS-27, PM S6, Solar Array
Dec , 2008 3R Soyuz Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM)
Jan 15, 2009 2J/A STS-127 Endeavour ISS-29, JEM EF, ELM ES, SLP-D2
Feb , 2009 HTV1 H-II A, JAXA Tanegashima HTV-Demo
Apr , 2009 18S Soyuz TMA-14/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 19 Crew
Apr 9, 2009 17A STS-128 Discovery ISS-30, MPLM, LMC, TVIS2, CHeCS 2
Jul 9, 2009 ULF3 STS-129 Endeavour ISS-31, MPLM, ELC1, ELC2
Sep 30, 2009 19A STS-130 Discovery ISS-32, MPLM, LMC
Oct , 2009 19S Soyuz TMA-15/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 20 Crew
Jan , 2010 ULF4 STS-131 Endeavour ISS-33, MPLM, ELC3, ELC4
Apr , 2010 20A STS-132 Discovery ISS-34, Node 3
Apr , 2010 20S Soyuz TMA-16/Soyuz FG Crew Rotation, Expedition 21 Crew
Jul 15, 2010 ULF5 STS-133 Endeavour ISS-35, MPLM, ELC5, ELC1
, 2010 9R Proton Research Module
, 2011 ULF6 STS-134 Endeavour ISS-36, Contingency Flight
2014 CEV (Crew Exploration Vehicle)

ISS Assembly Flight Sequence

Aug 2007 13A.1 STS-118 Spacehab Single Cargo Module,
Third starboard truss segment (ITS S5), ESP3, Logistic and Supplies

...........We are now here..........

Oct 2007 10A STS-120 U.S. Node 2, PDGF

ISS U.S. Core Complete

Dec 2007 1E STS-122 European Laboratory - Columbus Orbital Facility (COF)
Jan 2008 ATV1 European Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) "Jules Verne"
Feb 2008 1J/A STS-123 Japanese Experiment Module Experiment Logistics Module (JEM ELM PS) Express Pallet.
Apr 2008 1J STS-124 Kibo Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Japanese Remote Manipulator System (JEM RMS)
Jul 2008 15A STS-119 Fourth starboard truss segment (ITS S6), Solar Arrays and Batteries (Photovoltaic Module S6)
Oct 2008 ULF2 STS-126 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Utilization and Logistics Flight
Dec 2008 3R Soyuz Universal Docking Module (UDM)
Jan 2009 2J/A STS-127 Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JEM EF), Japanese Experiment Logistics Module - Exposed Section (ELM-ES), additional Science Power Platform (SPP) solar arrays.
Feb 2009 HTV-1 H-IIB Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle
Apr 2009 17A STS-128 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), U.S. Lab racks for Node 3

Established Six Person Crew Capability

Jul 2009 ULF3 STS-129 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Utilization and Logistics Flight
Sep 2009 19A STS-130 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)
Jan 2010 ULF4 STS-131 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Utilization and Logistics Flight
Apr 2010 20A STS-132 Node 3
Jul 2010 ULF5 STS-133 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Utilization and Logistics Flight
2010 9R Proton Research Module

ISS Assembly Complete

2011 ULF6 STS-134 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Utilization and Logistics Flight
Jun 2014 Orion 4 Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Orion, uncrewed test - CEV-ISS 1
Sep 2014 Orion 5 First crewed CEV flight, CEV-ISS 2
Dec 2014 Orion 6 First uncrewed CEV cargo flight, CEV-ISS 3
Mar 2015 Orion 7 First operational crewed CEV flight, crew rotation, CEV-ISS 4
Mar 2015 Orion 8 Uncrewed CEV cargo flight, CEV-ISS 5
Jul 2015 Orion 9 Uncrewed CEV cargo flight, CEV-ISS 6
Sep 2015 Orion 10 Final crewed CEV flight to ISS, CEV-ISS 7
Dec 2015 Orion 11 Final CEV cargo flight to ISS, CEV-ISS 8

Formerly scheduled additional flights:

Oct 2003 5R Soyuz Docking Compartment 2 (DC2)
2005 8R Soyuz Research Module 1
Mar 2006 10R Soyuz Research Module 2
2006 10A.1 STS-139 Propulsion Module
Jan 2005 UF-3 STS-124 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM),
Apr 2005 UF-4 STS-125 Spacelab Pallet carrying "Canada Hand" (Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator) Extended Duration Orbiter Pallet
Jul 2005 UF-5 STS-126 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)
Oct 2005 UF-4.1 STS-127 Express Pallet, S3 Attached P/L
Jan 2006 UF-6 STS-128 Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), Batteries
Jan 2007 9A.1 STS-132 Science Power Platform (SSP) solar arrays Multi Purpose Module (MTsM)
Apr 2007 UF-7 STS-133 Centrifuge Accommodations Module (CAM)
Nov 2007 HTV-1 Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle
Jan 2008 14A STS-136 Cupola, Express Pallet, Extended Duration Orbiter Pallet
2008 16A ? STS-138 US Habitation Module
2009 18A ? STS-140 U.S. Crew Return Vehicle (CRV)