Saturday, September 15, 2007

Renders of future Nasa Moon Base


  • 2008: Launch Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
  • 2010: Last Space Shuttle missions
  • 2014: Deadline for Crew Exploration Vehicle
  • 2020: Return to Moon

  • (1) The heavy-lift Ares 5 rocket blasts off from Earth carrying a lunar lander and a "departure stage"
  • (2) Several days later, astronauts launch on an Ares 1 rocket inside their Orion vehicle (CEV)
  • (3) The Orion docks with the lander and departure stage in Earth orbit and then heads to the Moon
  • (4) Having done its job of boosting the Orion and lunar lander on their way, the departure stage is jettisoned
  • (5) At the Moon, the astronauts leave the Orion and enter the lander for the trip to the lunar surface
  • (6) After exploring the lunar landscape for seven days, the crew blasts off in a portion of the lander
  • (7) In Moon orbit, they re-join the waiting robot-minded Orion and begin the journey back to Earth
  • (8) On the way, the service component of the Orion is jettisoned. This leaves just the crew capsule to enter the atmosphere
  • (9) A heatshield protects the capsule; parachutes bring it down on dry land, probably in California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think this is great!
i love nasa's misiions ind i'm following the news about nasa
"my head is in the moon"
popular portuguese expression